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L-ahhar gurnata biex tivvota ‘Best Film Location Site’
Ivvota MDINA️
L-Mdina giet innominata ghall- ‘Best Film Location Site’ fil- Malta Film Awards. Iz-zewg siti huma Pjazza San Pawl u l-‘Main Gate’.
Inheggek tivvota lil MDINA!
1. Idhol fil-link
2. Irregistra
3. Wara sib is-siti taht MDINA – ghazel wahda mis-siti ghafas VOTE u CONFIRM
Last Day to vote for the ‘Best Film Location Site’
The city of MDINA is nominated for the ‘ Best Film Location Site’ for the Malta Film Awards. The two sites nominated are St. Paul Sqr. and the Main Gate.
I encourage you to vote for MDINA!
1. Go on this link
2. Register
3. Find the sites that are marked under MDINA – Choose one of the sites and press VOTE and CONFIRM.
Thank you