Infrastructure Malta closures at Saqqajja in Rabat
Infrastructure Malta infurmawna li t-Telgha tas-Saqqajja, direzzjoni lejn H’Attard ser tkun mghaluqa ghat-traffiku kif jidher hawn taht. It- traffiku ser ikun iddevjat minn Triq Gheriexem, Rabat u l-Imtarfa.
We have been informed by Infrastructure Malta that Telgha tas-Saqqajja, direction towards Attard shall be closed for traffic as per below. Traffic will be diverted through Triq Gheriexem, Rabat and Mtarfa.
30th August 7:00pm – 31st August 5:30am
31st August 7:00pm – 1st September 5:30am
1st September 7:00pm – 2nd September 5:30am