Il-Kunsill jixtieq javza li nhar it-Tlieta 20 u l-Erbgħa 21 ta’ Ġunju 2023 l-uffiċċju tal-Kunsill Lokali ser ikun magħluq għal-pubbliku għal dawn il-jumejn.
Is-servizz għal-pubbliku ser jibqa’ offrut billi ċċemplu l-uffiċċju fuq 21450707 jew imejl [email protected] mit-08:30am sas-02:00pm.
The Council would like to inform the public that on Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st June 2023 the office of the Local Council shall be closed for the public during those two days.
The service to the public shall contine to be offered by calling the office on 21450707 or email [email protected] between 08:30am till 02:00pm.