WasteServ – Gwida għas-Separazzjoni tal-Iskart : Waste Separation Guide
Gwida ghas-separazzjoni ta’ l-iskart – Verzjoni bil-Malti
Guide for waste separation – English Version
WATER – Be the Change
We’ll be joining you during this week, the campaign WATER – Be the Change will be in the locality of Mdina.
Dates: Monday 15th to Friday 19th November
Hours: 8:30 – 13:30
Venue: Mdina Local Council, Corte Capitanale, Misraħ il-Kunsill, Mdina
If you are going to exchange your voucher for a water saving kit, which includes five tools, remember to bring the following:
– Your voucher
– Your Identity Card and a copy of the Identity Card of the ARMS account holder
– Recent ARMS receipt
– Face mask
Do you have any questions? Visit www.water.org.mt/join-the-drops or call 8007 2337.
This project is part-financed by the European Union under the Cohesion Fund – Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020
L-ILMA – Ibda Minnek
Se nkunu fostkom matul din il-ġimgħa, il-kampanja L-ILMA – Ibda Minnek se tkun fil-lokalità tal-Mdina.
Dati: It-Tnejn 15 sal-Ġimgħa 19 ta’ Novembru
Ħinijiet: 08:30 – 13:30
Post: Kunsill Lokali Mdina, Corte Capitanale, Misrah il-Kunsill, Mdina
Jekk se tkun ġej issarraf il-vawċer tiegħek għal kit tal-iffrankar tal-ilma, li tinkludi ħames għodod, ftakar biex iġġib miegħek dawn li ġejjin:
– Il- vawċer tiegħek
– Il-Karta tal-Identità tiegħek u kopja tal-Karta tal-Identità ta’ sid il-kont tal-ARMS
– Kont riċenti tal-ARMS
– Il-maskra tal-wiċċ
Għandek xi mistoqsijiet? Żur is-sit www.water.org.mt/join-the-drops jew ċempel fuq 8007 2337.
Dan il-proġett hu parzjalment finanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond ta’ Koeżjoni – Fondi Strutturali u ta’ Investiment 2014-2020
Water Be The Change – 12th till 14th November, 2021
Hey ?????/?????, our mobile unit will be visiting your locality this weekend!
?????: Friday 12th November till Sunday 14th November
?????: Between 9:00am – 5:00pm
????????: Mdina/Rabat: Howard Gardens parking area (next to Saqqaja bandli)
?????? ????: https://goo.gl/maps/h13hUmwVxNZdku8DA
If you’re coming along to redeem your voucher for a full water conservation kit which includes 5 water-saving devices, remember to bring:
1. Your voucher
2. Your ID card, and a copy of the ID card of the ARMS account holder
3. A recent ARMS residential utility bill
4. Your face mask
Got questions? Visit https://water.org.mt/join-the-drops/
This project is part-financed by the European Union under the Cohesion Fund – European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020.
#EUfunds #Malta #eufundsformalta #cohesionfund #investinginyourfuture
@mdinalocalcouncil @kunsillrabat
GreenPak – Collection of Glass from your Doorstep
Tfakkira / Reminder
Il-ġbir tal-ħġieġ ser isir nhar il-Ġimgha, 29 ta’ Ottubru 2021. Infakkrukhom li l-ħġieġ irid ikun ġo kontenitur riċiklabbli u ħġieġ imkisser ma jistax jinġabar. Grazzi.
Glass shall be collected this Friday, 29th October 2021. A gentle reminder that glass must be placed in reusable containers and broken glass shall not be collected. Thank you.
Enemalta Scheduled Downtime Updates
Avviż ta’ qtugħ ta’ dawl mill-Korporazzjoni Enemalta.
Notice on interruption of electricity from Enemalta.
L-Imdina 27 October 2021 09:00am – 27 October 2021 11:00am
Due to scheduled maintenance works on the national electricity grid there may be electricity supply disruptions in (or in parts of) the following areas:
For assistance, contact our Customer Care team on 8007 2224. Customers may also visit www.enemalta.com.mt to subscribe to our free Email/SMS notification service and start receiving advance notice of any scheduled maintenance works affecting the streets they are interested in.
WasteServ: Ċentri għall-Iskart Goff / Civic Amenity Sites
Avviz: WasteServ is-Sibt 16 t’Ottubru, ċ-Ċentri għall-Iskart Goff se jagħlqu fis-1.00pm. L-aħħar dħul ikun fis-12:45pm.
Notice: WasteServ on Saturday 16th October, Civic Amenity Sites for Bulky Waste will be closed at 1.00pm. The last entry is 12:45pm.
WasteServ Roadshow Truck
Il-Kunsill Lokali ta l-Mdina javza li, nhar il-Ħamis 14 ta’ Ottubru 2021, l-WasteServ Kerbside Truck ser ikun f’Lorenzo Calleja Ditch, Mdina mis-2:00pm sas-6:00pm.
The Mdina Local Council would like to notify that on, Thursday 14th October 2021, the WasteServ Kerbside Truck shall be in Lorenzo Calleja Ditch, Mdina from 2:00pm till 6:00pm.